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3. 3. 2010
Článek FVŽ

2. 3. 2010 Představení Fóra Věda žije! a diskuse o financování a hodnocení vědy v ČR na Fakultě architektury ČVUT

Dne 2. 3. 2010 uspořádal Spolek posluchačů architektury a Fórum Věda žije! diskusi o financování a hodnocení vědy v ČR na Fakultě architektury ČVUT. Akci zaštítil prof. Matúš Dulla, proděkan FA ČVUT pro vědu a výzkum. V rámci diskuse vystoupil prof. Václav Hořejší z Ústavu molekulární genetiky AV ČR, který zrekapituloval vývoj situace a plánované škrty v rozpočtu AV ČR na vědu a výzkum. Martin Krummholz představil aktivity a poslání Fóra Věda žije! a širší kontext reformy vědy a výzkumu z pohledu podobných procesů v kultuře, umění a vysokoškolském vzdělávání.
3. 3. 2010
Článek FVŽ

2. 3. 2010 Presentation of Forum Science Is Alive! and discussion about research funding and assessment in the Czech Republic at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University

On 2 March 2010 the Association of Architecture Students and Forum Science Is Alive! organised a debate about research funding and assessment in the Czech Republic at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University. The debate was organised under the auspices of prof. Matúš Dulla, vice-dean for science and research at the Faculty. Prof. Václav Hořejší, director of the Institute of Macromolecular Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic recapped the situation and the planned cuts in the budget of the Academy of Sciences for research.
2. 3. 2010
Článek FVŽ

Forum Science Is Alive! at the 12th meeting of the Subcommittee for Science and Post-Secondary Educational Institutions of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

On 23 February 2010 a delegation of Forum Science Is Alive! took part in the 12th meeting of the Subcommittee for Science and Post-Secondary Educational Institutions of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The Subcommittee convened to debate the issue of research funding in the Czech Republic in relation to a bill submitted by a group of MPs to amend Act 130/2002 Coll.
2. 3. 2010
Článek FVŽ

22. 2. 2010: Vision for Czech Science

On Monday 22 February 2010 civic association Forum Science Is Alive! in cooperation with Archa Theatre organised a public hearing under the title “Vision for Czech Science” of candidates for the governmental Council for Research, Development and Innovations (CRDI). The goal of the public hearing was to provide space where nominees to the CRDI could publicly present their opinions, attitudes and goals which – if they are appointed to the CRDI – they would advance in this governmental body.
2. 3. 2010
Článek FVŽ

Live broadcast of the debate Vision for Czech Science

On 22 February 2010 starting at 16:00 you can watch live broadcast of the public hearing Vision for Czech Science at the website www.primyprenos.cz. Here you can watch the recording of the discussion (with the exception of Internet Explorer web browses have to have Windows Media Player Plugin).
