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2. 3. 2010 Presentation of Forum Science Is Alive! and discussion about research funding and assessment in the Czech Republic at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University

3. 3. 2010
On 2 March 2010 the Association of Architecture Students and Forum Science Is Alive! organised a debate about research funding and assessment in the Czech Republic at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University. The debate was organised under the auspices of prof. Matúš Dulla, vice-dean for science and research at the Faculty. Prof. Václav Hořejší, director of the Institute of Macromolecular Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic recapped the situation and the planned cuts in the budget of the Academy of Sciences for research. Martin Krummholz introduced the activities and mission of Forum Science Is Alive! and the wider context of the reform of science and research from the perspective of similar processes in culture, arts and higher education. The discussion that followed revolved around issues such as the opportunity of the civic association to formulate strategic proposals and funding of the civic association, or research assessment abroad.