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27. 1. 2010: Science Is Alive! at a meeting of civic initiatives

29. 1. 2010
On 27 January 2010 civic association Forum Science Is Alive! took part in a meeting of civic initiatives. The goal of the meeting was to link individual initiatives, to improve mutual support and opportunities to mobilise. The meeting was organised by civic initiative Enough! The other participating organisations included Auto*Mat (http://www.auto-mat.cz/), Arnika (http://www.arnika.org/), Green Circle (http://www.zelenykruh.cz/en/), Environmental Law Service (http://www.eps.cz/en-us/), People In Need (http://clovekvtisni.cz/indexen.php), Oživení (http://www.oziveni.cz/cz/), Prague Mothers (http://www.prazskematky.cz/), For Education (http://www.provzdelanost.cz/), I can’t Take It Any Longer (http://www.uzsenatonemohudivat.cz/), Change Politics (http://www.zmenpolitiku.cz/), Athenaeum for 21st Century, Opona, Democracy Czech-Up (http://www.inventurademokracie.cz/en/), Forum Science Is Alive! and others.